“Health promoting universities and colleges infuse health into everyday operations, business practices and academic mandates" — the Okanagan Charter: Shared Aspirations
Journal articles, books, and chapters
van den Bogerd, N., Dijkstra, S., Seidell, J & Maas, J. (2018) Greenery in the university environment: Students' preferences and perceived restoration likelihood. PLoS ONE 13(2): e0192429. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0192429.
Brooker, A. & Vu, C. (2020) How do University Experiences Contribute to Students’ Psychological Wellbeing? Student Success 11(2): 99-108. https://studentsuccessjournal.org/article/view/1676.
Burns, D. , Dagnall, N. & Holt, M. (2020) Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on student wellbeing at universities in the United Kingdom: A conceptual analysis. Frontiers in Education 5 (Article 582882) https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2020.582882.
Carne, H. & Tudor, K. (2020) The Whole and Inclusive University: A Critical Review of Health Promoting Universities From New Zealand. Health Promotion International 35(1): Pages 102–110.
Cawood, J., Dooris, M. & Powell, S. (2010) Healthy Universities: shaping the future. Perspectives in Public Health 130 (6): 259-260.
Deacey, C., Coughlan, B., Pironom, J., Jourdan, D. and McNamara, P. (2014) Psychological distress and lifestyle of students: implications for health promotion. Health Promotion International 30(1) : 77-87.
Doherty, S., Cawood, J. & Dooris, M. (2011) Applying the whole system settings approach to food within universities. Perspectives in Public Health 131(5): 217-224
Doherty, S. & Dooris, M. (2006) The healthy settings approach: the growing interest within colleges and universities. Education and Health 24: 42-43.
Dooris M. (2001) The ‘health promoting university’: a critical exploration of theory and practice. Health Education 101: 51-60.
Dooris, M. & Doherty, S. (2010) Healthy Universities: current activity and future directions – findings and reflections from a national-level qualitative research study. Health Promotion International 25(1):94-106.
Dooris, M. & Doherty, S. (2010) Healthy Universities: current activity and future directions – findings and reflections from a national-level qualitative research study. Global Health Promotion 17(3): 6-16.
Dooris, M., Doherty, S., Cawood, J. & Powell, S. (2012) The Healthy Universities Approach: Adding Value to the Higher Education Sector. Chapter in: Scriven, A. and Hodgins, M. Health Promotion Settings: Principles and Practice. London: Sage.
Dooris, M., Doherty, S. & Orme, J. (2017) The Application of Salutogenesis in Universities. In: Mittelmark, MB. Sagy, S. Eriksson, M. et al, (editors). The Handbook of Salutogenesis [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer. Chapter 23. Available from: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-04600-6_23
Dooris, M. Farrier, A. Doherty, S. Holt, M. Monk, R. & Powell, S. (2018) The UK Healthy Universities self-review tool: whole system impact, Health Promotion International. 32(3): 448–457.
Dooris, M., Farrier, A., Holt, M. and Powell, S. (2019) Whole system approaches to health in higher education: an evaluation of the UK Healthy Universities Network. Health Education 119(4): 246-258.
Dooris, M., Powell, S. and Farrier, A. (2019) Conceptualising the ‘whole university’ approach: an international qualitative study. Health Promotion International. 35(4): 730-740.
Dooris, M., Powell, S., Parkin, D. and Farrier, A. (2021) Health promoting universities: effective leadership for health, well-being and sustainability. Health Education. 121(3): 295-310.
Dooris, M., Wills, J. and Newton, J. (2014) Theorising Healthy Settings: a critical discussion with reference to Healthy Universities. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 42 (Suppl 15): 7–16.
Fernandez, A., Howse, E., Rubio-Valera, M. et al. (2016) Setting-based interventions to promote mental health at the university: a systematic review. International Journal of Public Health 61: 797.
Haas, J., Baber, M., Byrom, N., Meade, L. & Nouri-Aria, K. (2018) Changes in student physical health behaviour: an opportunity to turn the concept of a Healthy University into a reality. Perspectives in Public Health 138(6): 316-324.
Holt, M., Monk, R., Powell, S. and Dooris, M. (2015) Student perceptions of a healthy university. Public Health. 129: 674-683.
Holt, M. & Powell, S. (2016) Healthy Universities: a guiding framework for universities to examine the distinctive health needs of its own student population. Perspectives in Public Health 137(1): 53-58.
Innstrand, ST. & Christensen, M. (2020) Healthy Universities. The development and implementation of a holistic health promotion intervention programme especially adapted for staff working in the higher educational sector: the ARK study. Global Health Promotion 27(1): 68-76
Kosarchyn, C. (2014) Creating a Framework for a Health Promoting University Virginia Journal, 35(2):7-11. http://c.ymcdn.com/sites/vahperd.site-ym.com/resource/resmgr/Communicator-Journal/Vahperd_Fall14_PROOF.PDF
Lugosi, P. (2019) Campus foodservice experiences and student wellbeing: An integrative review for design and service interventions. International Journal of Hospitality Management 83: 229-235.
McDonald, H., Gould, R., Delaney, D. & Vecchio, N. (2021) An investigation of the health-promoting practices of Australian universities. Health Promotion International 1-10. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab004.
Newton, J., Dooris, M. and Wills, J. (2016) Healthy universities: an example of a whole-system health-promoting setting. Global Health Promotion 23 (Suppl. 1): 57-65.
Orme, J. & Dooris, M. (2010) Integrating Health and Sustainability: the Higher Education Sector as a timely catalyst. Health Education Research 25(3): 425-437.
Reis, M., Ramiro, L., Gomez-Baya, D. and Gaspar de Matos, M. (2018) The Promotion of Healthy Universities: A Systematic Review. CPQ Women and Child Health 1(3): 01-15.
Sarmiento, J. (2017) Healthy Universities: mapping health-promotion interventions. Health Education 117(2): 162-175.
Stanton, A. et al (2013) Building healthy campus communities: The adaptation of a workplace tool to understand better student wellbeing within higher education settings. Education & Health 31 (3):84-90.
Stock, C., Milz, S. & Meier, S. (2010) Network evaluation: principles, structures and outcomes of the German working group of Health Promoting Universities. Global Health Promotion 17(1): 25-32.
Suárez-Reyes, M. and Van den Broucke, S. (2016) Implementing the Health Promoting University approach in culturally different contexts: a systematic review. Global Health Promotion 23 (Suppl. 1): 46-56.
Suárez-Reyes, M., Muñoz Serrano, M. and Van den Broucke, S. (2019) How do universities implement the Health Promoting University concept? Health Promotion International 34(5): 1014–1024.
Suárez-Reyes, M., Muñoz Serrano, M. and Van den Broucke, S. (2021) Factors influencing the implementation of the Health Promoting University initiative: experiences of Ibero-American universities. Health Promotion International 36:1346–1356.
Taylor, P., Saheb, R. & Howse, E. (2019) Creating healthier graduates, campuses and communities: Why Australia needs to invest in health promoting universities. Health Promotion Journal of Australia 30(2): 285-289.
Tsouros, A., Dowding, G., Thomson, J. & Dooris, M. (eds.) (1998) Health Promoting Universities. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe http://www.euro.who.int/document/e60163.pdf
Usher, W. (2020) Living in quiet desperation: The mental health epidemic in Australia’s higher education. Health Education Journal 79(2): 138-151.
Waterworth, C., Thorpe, A., (2017). Applying the Okanagan Charter in Aotearoa New Zealand. Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association: Number 49. https://janzssa.scholasticahq.com/article/1338-applying-the-okanagan-charter-in-aotearoa-new-zealand
Xiangyang T., Lan Z., Xueping M., Tao Z., Yuzhen S. & Jagusztyn M. (2003) Beijing health promoting universities: practice and evaluation. Health Promotion International 18: 107-113.
Reports and other publications
Dooris, M., Cawood, J., Doherty, S. & Powell, S. (2010) Healthy Universities: Concept, Model and Framework for Applying the Healthy Settings Approach within Higher Education in England. Final Project Report – March 2010. Preston: UCLan / London: RSPH. http://www.healthyuniversities.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/HU-Final_Report-FINAL_v21.pdf
Dooris, M. & Doherty, S. (2009) National Research and Development Project on Healthy Universities: Final Report. York: Higher Education Academy. http://www.healthyuniversities.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/DoorisDoherty-FinalReport.pdf.
Dooris, M. Powell, S. & Farrier, A. (2018) Healthy Universities: Whole University Leadership for Health, Wellbeing and Sustainability. Final Report. London: Advance HE https://www.lfhe.ac.uk/en/research-resources/publications-hub/index.cfm/SDP2017UCLAN
Facer, K. (2020) Beyond Business as Usual: Higher Education in the Era of Climate Change. HEPI Debate paper 24. Oxford: Higher Education Policy Institute. https://www.hepi.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/HEPI_Beyond-business-as-usual_Higher-education-in-the-era-of-climate-change_Debate-Paper-24_FINAL.pdf
McCowan T., Filho, W. & Brandli, L. (2021) Universities facing Climate Change and Sustainability. Hamburg: e Global University Leaders Council Hamburg. https://www.koerber-stiftung.de/fileadmin/user_upload/koerber-stiftung/redaktion/gulch/pdf/2021/GUC_Study_Universities_facing_Climate_Change_and_Sustainability.pdf
Okanagan Charter: An International Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges (2015) Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/53926/items/1.0132754
Royal College of Psychiatrists. (2011) Mental Health of students in higher education. The Royal College of Psychiatrists College Report CR166. London: RCP. https://www.rcpsych.ac.uk/docs/default-source/improving-care/better-mh-policy/college-reports/college-report-cr166.pdf?sfvrsn=d5fa2c24_2)
Hughes, G. & Spanner, L. (2019) The University Mental Health Charter. Leeds: Student Minds.
Universities UK (2015) Student Mental Wellbeing in Higher Education: Good Practice Guide. London: Universities UK. http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/policy-and-analysis/reports/Documents/2015/student-mental-wellbeing-in-he.pdf
Universities UK. (2015) Changing the culture: Report of Universities UK Taskforce examining violence against women, harassment and hate crime affecting university students. http://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/policy-and-analysis/reports/Pages/changing-the-culture-final-report.aspx
Universities UK (2020) Stepchange: Mentally Healthy Universities. https://www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/stepchange-mhu
Vanni, A. K. (2021) Collective Impact: a framework to advance health promotion in higher education (Doctor of Education Thesis). Los Angeles: University of Southern California. https://digitallibrary.usc.edu/asset-management/2A3BF1WADWYE?FR_=1&W=1388&H=831
Additional resources
Health Promotion Settings : an opportunity to improve health. Robert Gordon University, Scotland
SFU Designing Health Campus Communities
Sydney University Health and Wellbeing Checklist for University Decision-making
Translating the Okanagan Charter for Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand Tertiary Education Settings
Taking Wellbeing Forward in Higher Education. University of Brighton
UK Healthy Universities: Making the Case and Getting Started